Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Run

While it was not my first run of the year, do not get me wrong I have been running a little, but it definately felt like a fresh start.

I did one of my go to routes, 1.5 miles from Cleveland Circle to Coolidge Corner and back, it is a 3 mile loop. The joy about running first thing in the morning is that there is no pedestrians, and not that much traffic, free to run on the roads and switch off the mind a little and just zone.

I have to say though it felt great, it was not too difficult, not really sure what my pace was, nothing too taxing, on one hill on the way back I slowed down a little but was fine other than that.

On the way back home I noticed that my favorite local Indian Restaurant was closed down, and there was a 'Thank you sign" out, it made me very sad, since that is or guess was my all time favorite take-out place, they knew my voice when I called and knew my order and many times give me my Naan bread with their compliments. Oh how I will miss Indian Cafe, the Chicken Tikka was my go to pre-race meal, instead of eating pasta the day before, I would have Indian Food!

Finished my run, it was a beautiful day to be running in Boston. At home did a pretty intensive 30 minute weight workout. Overall really pleased with my start to training.

During all my non-running I was doing lots of weights and definately have seen my upper-body and core get toned and defined, it is just all the weight that I have put on has gone to my thighs and butt! A few weeks of running(and the right food choices) and hopefully that will start to shift!

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